Hendrick’s Gin Guide: How to cut the Perfect Cucumber this World Cucumber Day

Today marks World Cucumber Day and Hendrick’s Gin plans to forever enhance your life by acclaiming the pleasures of the unusual slice. We declare the importance of cucumbers role in a Hendrick’s Gin and Tonic and share a quick guideline to cutting the perfect slice.

As the “Cultivate the Unusual” experiment draws to an end, we have grown, nourished, bonded and entertained our cucumbers. This World Cucumber Day, we contemplate the art of cucumber slicing and submerging them in our notorious tipple.


What’s a gin lover to do?

We believe that since the cucumber is the core of our gin which is oddly infused with cucumber itself, the gin that is, not the cucumber – a cucumber is wholly made of cucumber, it is rightful to present an extraordinary way to get the perfect slice of the unusual for the oddly curiously minded.

The Mesmadunion Method

The Mesmadunion method of cucumber harvest & garnishment:

  1. The harvester must wear a cloak, 3-foot winkle pickers and a beak.
  2. The cucumbers must be culled at dawn within a mile of a viaduct.
  3. The cucumbers must be sliced with affection, at 0.3 cm slices.
  4. The slices must be dropped into the Hendrick’s & Tonic from an altitude of three miles.

Shaun Stemmett, brand manager for Hendrick’s Gin at The Really Great Brand Company explains that, “the contemplation and the art of cucumber slicing is a fair art to be mastered, once you have sampled your cucumber, cut 0.3-cm slices and then submerge them in your Hendrick’s Gin & Tonic, if you wish to, you may then contemplate all that is marvelous in the universe.”

Some people say cucumbers are better pickled – we fancy them as a refined ornament with its own life. Raise a glass to your nose for cultivating and cutting the unusual slice for your Gin & Tonic in commemoration of World Cucumber Day.


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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