3 Health Benefits of Avocados that you didn’t know about!

With a shape as interesting as its unmatched flavour, the jewelled green of an avocado tantalises from toast to tamarind-avo foam.

How to use Avo in your every-day Cooking?

Yes, salads, sarmies, burgers and pizza should never be served without crescents of fresh, creamy avocado but there’s a whole world of interesting new morsels that need your consideration.

It’s hard to think of another fruit as versatile as an avocado when it comes to snacking and mealtimes, morning, noon and night. Mashed, diced, sliced or puréed, it’s always a delight, with a generous ability to make all other ingredients taste that much better!

But did you know that the nutrients in avocados may also assist with immune support! 

  1. Avos are high in copper (33%). While we stock up on vitamin C supplements, copper is forgotten as one of the minerals known to support immune system function.
  2. Avos are a source of fibre (5.3g fibre per 100g) for good gut health. Did you know that your gut is home to 65% of the immune system? The bacteria in the gut not only help digest food but also regulate our immune systems and protect against invading pathogens that cause disease. For this reason, poor gut health could affect immunity. Focus on fibre to keep your gut healthy.
  3. Avocados contain antioxidant nutrients such as lycopene and beta-carotene. Anti-oxidants are powerful food components that maintain and regulate immune function

Visit www.avocado.co.za for many exciting & delicious recipes to get you started!


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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