Plant-based protein made simple with Future Farm

If you want to eat less meat, Future Farm makes the transition from meat to plant-based protein easy. Here are some of the benefits.

So, you’ve decided to embrace a plant-based or flexitarian lifestyle, whether it’s for health reasons, concern for the environment or animal welfare. But where do you start? It’s no good just replacing the meat on your plate with extra carbs. Protein is essential to a healthy diet. The good news is there is a wide variety of plant-based proteins available, including the Future Farm range of meatless meats, and they are good for both you and the planet.

Legumes such as chickpeas, peas, lentils, beans, and soya, as well as protein-rich wholegrains, nuts and seeds are all excellent sources of protein. But unlike meat protein you don’t get a complete range of amino acids from just one source of plant-based protein. A healthy vegan or plant-based diet needs to be carefully balanced to make sure you’re not missing out on any vital nutrients.

If that all sounds like too much effort, Future Farm has done the hard work for you. Their plant-based burgers, meatballs, mince, and sausages are the result of years of research and cutting-edge tech-driven product development. Using only sustainably farmed, natural ingredients they have come up with a plant-based meat alternative that tastes, feels, and cooks like meat, and has a similar balance of nutrients and essential amino acids. So, you can just do a straight swap. Meat burgers off your shopping list, Future burgers on.

Environmental benefits

The benefits to the planet of swapping meat for plant protein are huge. Production of meat, especially beef and lamb, is a major contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions, driving climate change at an unprecedented rate. And it’s not just about the emissions. Destruction of pristine rainforest for meat production is a huge environmental disaster in itself.  Future Farm is on a mission of ‘buying back’ the Amazon from the meat industry by fostering the movement of deforestation-free and GMO-free soy in its native Brazil.

Health benefits

Eating more plant-based protein instead of red meat and processed meats can lower the risk of severe diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and strokes. One factor is that plant-based protein sources contain considerably less saturated fat than red meats and no cholesterol. Then there’s the consideration that intensively farmed meats are often raised using routine antibiotics and growth hormones which are then passed on to you in the meat. Eating a varied diet that includes a range of legumes, nuts and wholegrains can give you all the protein you need without the hidden health hazards.

What’s in a Future burger?

While the ingredient lists of some plant-based meat substitutes might need a chemistry degree to interpret, Future Farm keeps to sustainably sourced natural ingredients. Soy protein, chickpea flour and pea protein, with some beetroot for colour, plus coconut and canola oil to get the right fat balance for juiciness, a touch of salt, no artificial additives. Future Farm products are gluten-free, GMO-free and Halaal. The clever bit comes with their tech-driven processes, which result in a pleasing texture and mouthfeel, and allow your burgers and meatballs to brown beautifully in the pan, so you don’t miss out on that umami taste sensation. A win for you and a win for the planet.

Look out for Future Farm burgers, meatballs, sausages, and mince on the shelves of Checkers nationwide to start feeling the benefits of more plant protein in your life.

So, whether you are eating less meat for health reasons, or to do your bit to help the planet, or both, steer your trolley to the meat section at Checkers and look out for the Future Farm logo and their range of meatless meats. Future mince and the rest of the range – Future burgers, sausages, and meatballs – are a great start to a shopping list that helps you eat better all through the week.

Future Farm arrived in South Africa in July 2021 and is available nationwide through Checkers or order online at, and to learn more about Future Farm products, visit the official website 


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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