Elvis Blue Live! in Hermanus at Benguela Cove

In a harmonious fusion of captivating melodies and exquisite cuisine, Benguela Cove invites you to a sensational evening with the acclaimed artist, Elvis Blue.

The live concert, scheduled for December 9, 2023, promises an unforgettable experience at the heart of Hermanus.

Elvis Blue, a name synonymous with musical brilliance in South Africa, brings his platinum and gold-selling albums to life in a performance that transcends language barriers.

  • His ability to effortlessly navigate both English and Afrikaans genres sets him apart, making his concerts a rare treat for diverse audiences. The doors open at 5:00 PM, and the magic begins at 6:00 PM. Tickets, priced at a reasonable R250 per person, offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in the musical tapestry woven by Elvis Blue. Secure your spot for an evening of laughter, storytelling, and the perfect blend of familiar favorites and fresh tunes.

Benguela Cove, renowned for its superb dining, complements the musical extravaganza with a delectable array of options. Make the most of this day out by indulging in culinary delights and exploring the fun activities on offer.

Click here to book your tickets now!

 Benguela Cove Lagoon Wine Estate, R43 Botrivier Lagoon, Hermanus, South Africa
 087 357 0637

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