Win: Celebrate World Rum Day with Inverroche Distillery

With World Rum Day just around the corner, Inverroche Distillery is bringing out all the stops! 

It’s a dark and stormy day when the rum starts running out. But luckily, with World Rum Day just around the corner on the 11th of July, there is plenty to go around so you can join people from across the world in the celebrations.

To mark the occasion why not celebrate with Inverroche 10YO Limestone Rum?

The Scott family’s journey with Inverroche started with rum in 2008. During this time a unique liquid was developed which matured to 10 years before being made available to the public.

A liquid of the highest quality, and distinctive due to the lime rich waters of Still Bay. This special ingredient, alongside blackstrap treacle molasses, gives the product an inherent minerality and flinty character.


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#Win a 10YO Limestone Rum Gift Box by @Inverroche. It’s a dark and stormy day when the rum starts running out. But luckily, with World Rum Day just around the corner on the 11th of July, there is plenty to go around so you can join people from across the world in the celebrations. To mark the occasion why not celebrate with Inverroche 10YO Limestone Rum? A liquid of the highest quality, and distinctive due to the lime rich waters of Still Bay. This special ingredient, alongside blackstrap treacle molasses, gives the product an inherent minerality and flinty character. Each gift box includes most of the items needed to create the signature serve from a bottle of Inverroche 10YO Limestone Rum, two bottles of Bundaberg Ginger beer, 1 bag of dehydrated fruit as well as a copper mug so you can enjoy your cocktail in the best possible style. To enter, make sure to: 1) Follow @Inverroche 2) Tag a person in the comments below who would enjoy the perfect serve. The winner will be announced on 16 July 2020. #lockdownsa #rum #worldrumday #johannesburg #jozi #joburg #joburglife #joburgliving #jozilove #lovejozi #joburgfood #foodjoburg #joburgfoodie #joburgdrinks #drinksjoburg

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Give it a try and you’ll experience a full-bodied sipping rum with lush aromas and toasted oak finish.  It’s available across the country at all leading liquor stores and online retailers.

If you are feeling lucky, we’re also running an incredible competition where you stand the chance of winning a Inverroche Rum Gift Box.

P.S.: You can also enter on Instagram!

Enter now to win an Inverroche Rum Gift Box!


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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