Mother’s Day with a Difference at AfroBoer

Mother’s Day with a difference at AfroBoer

As always, AfroBoer is doing things a little bit differently this Mother’s Day.

A self-labelled ‘African Boer’, owner Michelle brings her African-Afrikaans-French soul into every inch of AfroBoer’s eclectic eccentricities and a spirit of freedom greets you at the door. This is a place to live as you – the unique you. Their menu hosts freshly made – really fresh, so be patient! – meals and baked goods and that all important delicious brew.

In keeping with true AfroBoer style, they’re bringing you Mother’s Day with a twist. Here’s how it works: mom’s are expected to bring 20 items, whether it be linen, family non-electrical kitchen equipment, bedding or toiletries to donate to the community informal settlement.

As a reward, you may enjoy any meal on the house and have a complimentary glass of wine or cappuccino. This campaign is running from 29 April to 10 May and donations must be dropped at the spaza shop next door between 7:30am and 4pm.

Bookings are essential. Use the reference AfroBoer Mother’s Day Project and your name. Let’s make Mother’s Day special for ALL mothers.

Directions to AfroBoer
Meerlust road
012 807 3099


Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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