Located in Rondebosch, Sticks McGee is a Pizza, Burger & BBQ Restaurant specialising in real food, artisan coffee, craft beer & local wine.

They are open from Mondays – Saturdays from 08h00 until 23h00 serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. Live music evenings are a frequet occasion with a heavy focus on supporting local talent and the Jazz roots that inspired the name of the restaurants. A fantastic atmosphere is guaranteed.

Big Screens for all big sporting events will also be put up. Join Sticks McGee to follow the latest soccer, rugby or cricket matches!

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Directions to Sticks McGee
Shop 9 & 10 Fountain Centre
Cnr Belmont & Main Roads

021 685 2871

Pizza Specials for Two at Nomad Restaurant

Jazz Evenings: 3 Days to Visit Sticks McGee