Luxury Unveiled: Art Trader and RED! the gallery Present an Exclusive Auction Event in Cape Town

Brace yourselves for an evening of cultural immersion as Art Trader and the esteemed RED! the gallery proudly announces their collaboration to host an unparalleled art auction extravaganza.

David Endean and Lisa King extend a cordial invitation to art enthusiasts far and wide to join them for an unforgettable soirée on Thursday, April 25th, at 6 PM, RED! the gallery, 76 Wale Street, Cape Town.

Prepare to be fascinated by an eclectic collection of wonderful art pieces ranging from captivating paintings to awe-inspiring sculptures, meticulously curated to ignite your imagination and awaken your senses.

  • But here’s the twist: anticipation meets opportunity as eager collectors are granted exclusive access to coveted pieces ahead of the live auction. Dive into the excitement by perusing the auction catalogue and seize the chance to acquire stunning artworks at an incredible 50% discount, a gesture of gratitude from Art Trader and RED! the gallery to their discerning clientele.

No artful soirée would be complete without tantalizing refreshments. Indulge in a fabulous glass of wine and savor delectable canapés as you immerse yourself in a symphony of visual delights.

Mark your calendars, clear your schedules, and prepare for an evening where passion meets precision, and beauty finds its admirers. Join us on Thursday, April 25th, for an unforgettable celebration of artistry and inspiration.

RSVP details:

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this exclusive event, where luxury meets creativity and culture comes alive.

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