An Evening of #iFLGMoments with KFC

Freshness is everything!

Whether you are in Cape Town, Jo’burg, or Durban (or anywhere else in South Africa), all KFC restaurants follow the same processes and procedures so that you get consistently great tasting food every time you visit, no matter where you are. We learned more about theses processes during a media event at the Giggling Gourmet earlier this week, – an evening of fun, laughter and lots of chicken.

During the presentation, there was one thing that stood out for me and that is the emphasis on freshness and quality. At KFC, you will receive the same premium chicken as when you shop at any of our major local retailers. The chickens are sourced from local suppliers and there are no horror stories about how they are being kept. No hormones and steroids either.

Another interesting fact was that all chickens are prepared by hand every single morning. We got introduced to Sam, who is one of the head chefs at KFC. During his time working at KFC, he has made over 100 million pieces of chicken. Now that’s some feat!

We got to do a lot of fun tasks such as a sensory taste experience, where we had to identify some of the spices used when preparing KFC chickens. Preparing and breading KFC chicken was also very exciting, which we used to make our own KFC burritos. We were the first group of people to try them and the burritos were crispy and delicious. In store from the 6th of September, you should definitely head to your nearest KFC to bite into one of those.

As the evening drew to a close, we were seated on a long table, eating delicious KFC, drinking wine and chatting to old and new friends. If I learned one thing during the course of the event, KFC really is ‘finger lickin’ good’!

Written by Marvin

Founder of many things but FoodBlogJHB FoodBlogCT, FoodBlogDBN being my biggest project to date. UCT marketing graduate, Star Wars geek and Arsenal & Dortmund supporter. That's me!

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