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The 10 most dangerous Foods to eat while Driving


Insurance.com have conducted a study to find the 10 most dangerous foods to eat while driving. We all know that driving and eating is probably not the smartest thing. In order to save time in this fast paced world we’ve all been guilty of it.

They claim the bad habit of munching while navigating traffic can lead to an average increase of 25% in your insurance costs and that most accidents associated with this behavior are rear-ending the car in front of you. In general 80% percent of crashes and 65% of near-crashes involve driver distraction…I don’t think I needed a study to tell me that!

Anyhow,…here you go: The 10 most dangerous foods to eat while driving [Please comment below if you want to add something to this list! Thanx!]

1. Coffee

This is probably the No.1 drink, people consume in their car while driving. I guess, due to the fact that the lid never quite fits the cup and the high temperature, coffee has taken the top spot.


2. Hot Soup

“Hot Soup”; who eats “cold soup”? And why would one eat soup while driving?


3. Tacos

The study was conducted in the US – I guess it doesn’t apply to South Africa. But eating Tacos is quite a messy business. Some bits always fall apart. And I quite like the picture below :


4. Chili

Can’t comprehend why this is on the list. Why would someone eat a bowl of chili while driving? Next!


5. Hamburgers

Now, this I can understand! Who hasn’t bitten into a cheeseburger after driving off from a McD drive through. Maybe having some of the chips while they are still hot.


6. BBQ

Another odd one, have you ever eaten a boerewors while driving? Maybe some chops? Can’t see that happening!


7. Fried Chicken

I guess this is the same as a burger from McD – just instead of a burger, you’ve got a bucket of KFC in the car. You just have to take a bite – the smell is just too inviting!

Fried Chicken

8. Doughnuts

I can see how jelly doughnuts can be on this list. You take one bite and jelly shoots out from the sides.


9. Soft Drinks

I think every single person has drank soft drinks while driving!

Soft Drinks

10. Chocolates

I can see this happening: Taking a bite off your favorite chocolate bar. Some falls to the ground, you look down, and…

Chocolate Car

The safest route would be to never eat or drink anything while operating a vehicle of course….but where’s the challenge in that? My life is too boring not to add death possibilities to mundane tasks. 

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