Checkers Wine Route Competition

To Checkers, having an extensive range of affordable, quality wines just wasn’t enough. To complete their offering, which they lovingly call their “Wine Route”, they’ve added an extensive organic range.

Making our Wine Route better isn’t just about finding the best wines at the best prices, it’s also about finding wines that have helped change the environment for the better.

Simply put, organic wines are created using sustainable farming methods – utilising natural approaches rather than artificial chemical fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.

To celebrate their winning wines at The Nedbank Green Wine Awards, Checkers sent us a bottle of their delicious Sauvignon Blanc odd bin number 244 and Org Da Rac 2013 Organic Chardonnay. The arrival of these two bottles certainly made a grey day a little bit brighter.



To get your hands on one of these bottles of organic wine, all ya gotta do is:

  1. Head over to Facebook.
  2. Be sure to share the Checkers Organic Wine post that you’ll see pinned to the top of the Facebook page.

For additional entries, find our tweets on Twitter and RT to win!


Prizes for South Africa residents only.

The winner’s wine will be randomly selected from the Checkers organic range.

Kayli Vee

Written by Kayli Vee

Copywriter at an ad agency and co-owner of the Foodblog Group. I heart oysters, Bloody Marys, biltong and clever advertising.

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Food Routes

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